“Amari and the Night Brothers” by B.B. Alston is a thrilling adventure book about a young girl named Amari Peters who is determined to find her missing brother, Quinton. After receiving a mysterious package from Quinton, Amari discovers a world of magic and secret organizations. She learns that her brother was part of a secret society called the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs, which is dedicated to protecting the world from dangerous supernatural creatures.
Amari decides to follow in her brother’s footsteps and becomes the first girl to join the Bureau. She trains hard and faces many challenges, but with the help of her new friend, a magical creature named Elsie, and her mentor, Agent Magnus, she begins to uncover the truth about her brother’s disappearance.
As she delves deeper into the Bureau’s secrets, Amari discovers a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the safety of the supernatural world and the people she loves. With bravery and determination, Amari fights to save her brother and stop the conspiracy before it’s too late.
Overall, “Amari and the Night Brothers” is an exciting and empowering story about family, friendship, and the power of magic. It is a great book for elementary school students who love adventure, mystery, and fantasy.
Fun Activities:
Create Your Own Magical Creature: In “Amari and the Night Brothers,” Amari befriends a magical creature named Elsie. Encourage children to use their imagination and create their own magical creature. They can draw or write a description of their creature, including its appearance, abilities, and personality.
Secret Agent Training: The Bureau of Supernatural Affairs is a secret organization dedicated to protecting the world from dangerous supernatural creatures. Set up an obstacle course and have children go through various challenges, such as crawling through tunnels, jumping over hurdles, and solving puzzles. This activity will help children develop their physical and problem-solving skills, just like secret agents!
Mystery Scavenger Hunt: Amari and her friends work together to solve the mystery of her missing brother. Create a scavenger hunt with clues that lead children to different locations around the house or school. At each location, they will find a new clue until they reach the final location, where they will find a surprise. This activity will promote teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
Create your own magical creature: In the book, the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs deals with all kinds of magical creatures. Encourage kids to use their imagination and come up with their own unique creature. They can draw or paint their creature, write a description of it, and give it a name.
Make a magic wand: Amari uses a magic wand in the book to cast spells. Kids can make their own wand using materials such as chopsticks, pipe cleaners, and glitter. They can decorate their wand with beads, sequins, and other embellishments.
Write a sequel: The book ends on a cliffhanger, leaving readers eager to know what happens next. Encourage kids to write their own sequel to the book. They can continue the story from where it left off or create their own adventure for Amari and her friends. This is a great way to get kids excited about writing and using their creativity.