Hello, my name is Sadie, and this is my book review of The Nine Pound Hammer by John Claude Bemis.
Ray Flemming's father went missing eight years ago. Since then, he has had strange memories of his father. When he jumps from a train, he finds strange people that perform in a medicine show. With their help, he finds out some of the truth about what happened to his father, and what will happen. In my opinion, this was a great book. It was pulling me in, and you never knew what was going to jump out at you around the corner. I loved it, and I can't wait to read the next two books.
-Main character,
-Specialty is snakes. She is a good person, but isn't really a main part of the story. Then again, we couldn't go on without her.
-John Henr'y son. He's a big part of the story. He lost his dad,(as you probably know already)
-Her specialty is navigation. Her hand can find anything. Big part of the story.
– Is fire resistant. Not a big part in the whole book, but his powers come in handy at a certain point.
-Is a siren. They are hiding her from the Gog, which is a evil machine.
-Is blind. Is not a big part at the beginning, but as the story progresses, he is a main character.
-Run's the show. Is not a big part at the beginning, but helps people as the story unwinds.