“Where the Watermelons Grow” by Cindy Baldwin is a middle-grade novel about a young girl named Della who lives with her family on a farm in North Carolina. Della’s mother suffers from a mental illness that causes her to have delusions, and her father is struggling to keep the farm afloat.
When a drought hits their town and their crops begin to fail, Della becomes determined to save the farm and her family. She learns about a legendary strain of watermelons that can grow even in the driest of conditions and sets out on a quest to find them. Along the way, she befriends a boy named Sammy and learns important lessons about love, family, and the power of hope.
Throughout the story, Della grapples with the challenges of living with a parent who has a mental illness, and the impact it has on her family and her own sense of self-worth. Ultimately, “Where the Watermelons Grow” is a heartwarming and poignant tale about resilience, perseverance, and the power of friendship and community.
Fun book activities:
Watermelon tasting party: Host a watermelon tasting party with friends or family. Purchase several different types of watermelons, including seeded and seedless varieties, and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Have everyone taste each type and rate them on a scale of 1 to 10 based on sweetness, texture, and overall flavor. This activity is a fun way to learn about different types of watermelons and compare their taste and texture.
Watermelon carving contest: Host a watermelon carving contest where participants can get creative and carve their own unique designs into a watermelon. You can provide carving tools and safety equipment and have everyone vote on the best design. This activity is a fun way to tap into your creativity and show off your carving skills.
Mental health awareness walk: “Where the Watermelons Grow” addresses mental health and the impact it can have on families. You can organize a mental health awareness walk in your community and invite people to participate. This walk can raise awareness about mental health and provide resources for those who may need support. You can also raise funds for local mental health organizations. This activity is a great way to bring people together and support a cause that is important to the community.